
Blog - posts for July 2017

Jul 26 2017

Cedric Thomas, CEO of OW2


CHOReVOLUTION is competing in the Application Enablement Platforms

How would you present CHOReVOLUTION? 

CHOReVOLUTION is an integrated platform for the development and deployment of a new generation of secure and dynamic applications based on service compositions. It is important to understand that CHOReVOLUTION addresses the challenges of a new market characterized by the combination of services, mobile devices, things, open data and large scale deployments. It's the Internet of Things at large, what the European Commission also calls the Future Internet.

The essential innovation in CHOReVOLUTION is a new development paradigm for service-oriented applications. The conventional approach to compose services is called orchestration. CHOReVOLUTION proposes a new method for composing services. We call it service choreography. There is no bottleneck and applications can attain far greater scalability than with traditional orchestration methods.

What is your role in CHOReVOLUTION?

We lead the dissemination work package. As such we provide the communication platform, the technical infrastructure for the developers, and our know-how in dissemination activities such as supporting open source projects, supporting a global community, developing awareness, and arranging the project presence at industry events. For instance, we showcased CHOReVOLUTION at CeBIT 2017. We also develop communication material; it starts with the project's visual identity and includes the web site, factsheets, posters, white papers, etc. We will ensure the open source platform is easily downloadable and deployable from our marketplace. 

You've also worked on the market analysis, what are your key findings?

We conducted face-to-face interviews with potential users and we consulted several dozen reports and market studies produced by independent industry analysts and market research firms. We understand that while CHOReVOLUTION is a software engineering project, its market potential is closely determined by growth in related markets such as BPM and IoT. We also found that due to its innovative nature, the market for the CHOReVOLUTION platform can only be approached indirectly by referring to comparable technologies and product categories. At the time of developing the analysis, the “Application Enablement Platforms” product category is the closest identified on the market. 

We think the IoT market will evolve from a situation where all applications are different and built on their own usage-specific technology stacks to a situation where different applications will be able to share common technologies. As it has already happened in other IT markets, we will transition from a fragmented market organized in silos to a standardized market organized in layers. At the bottom you will have the device and connectivity layers, then you will have the cloud computing and data management layers and, on top of that, you will have the application enablement layer. It's where the real business-oriented applications will be developed. CHOReVOLUTION belongs to this layer.

A word about yourself and your organization

I run OW2 a non-profit open source organization. Our mission is to develop a code base (a portfolio, etc.) of open source software, we concentrate on software for complex information systems. This code base is developed by a community of software vendors, system integrators and academics. We support three types of projects: community projects, commercial open source projects and collaborative innovation projects such as CHOReVOLUTION. We are proud to be a partner in the CHOReVOLUTION project: it delivers breakthrough technologies packaged into an open source integrated platform. CHOReVOLUTION contributes to the growth of our code base toward addressing increasingly complex challenges where business processes and IoT interact.