
CHOReVOLUTION overall concept, approach, and methodology

CHOReVOLUTION develops the technologies required to implement dynamic and secured choreographies in the Future Internet via the dynamic and distributed coordination of services. The distributed coordination of services within choreographies will in general require dynamic adaptation and evolution of services due to the ever-changing environment. We address two broad categories of changes:

  • goal-changes, as users and involved business organizations may change their needs and preferences; as a consequence, the initial specification the choreography was synthesized for may change;
  • context-changes, as services may be substituted, and network conditions, available resources and so forth may change.

Choreographies may be in operation for a long time and the scale of their deployment is likely to make it impractical to replace or retry the whole choreography process whenever a change occurs. CHOReVOLUTION bypasses this obstacle by defining and implementing choreographies that will continuously evolve to meet new and modified requirements and to support new technologies.

The CHOReOS anteriority

CHORevoLUTION leverages work previously done in the framework of the CHOReOS Project. The CHOReOS EU project (see [5, 6] and references therein) introduced an integrated run-time and development environment that combines model-to-code synthesis procedures and supporting cloud-based service bus middleware to permit the automatic generation of code-based artifacts enabling choreographies within the Future Internet. Specifically, the overall outcome of the project has been an Integrated Development and Runtime Environment (IDRE) from architecture principles to software prototype – available here. The CHOReOS IDRE allows the development and deployment of large-scale choreographies aimed at the Future Internet, driving the developer all along the software life cycle, from requirement specification to choreography synthesis and enactment.

The CHOReOS project did bring the following results:

  • Abstractions and models
  • A choreography-based development environment
  • Service-oriented middleware
  • Governance mechanisms

As a conclusion of the successful CHOReOS project, the team responsible for reviewing and assessing the project identified opportunities for further development in two directions:
- ( I ) “the maturity level of the CHOReOS IDRE tools should be enhanced for adoption by industries”
- ( II ) “the produced choreographies should exhibit those capabilities that enable their effective applicability in industrial contexts, namely dynamic (i.e.,
adaptable and evolvable) and secured choreographies”.

These recommendations constitute the baseline of the CHOReVOLUTION project.


In order to make dynamic and secured choreographies in the Future Internet via dynamic distributed coordination of services a reality, the CHOReVOLUTION project sets itself seven objectives:

  • 1) Choreography modelling notations to support adaptation, evolution, and security. CHOReVOLUTION goes one step further beyond CHOReOS to meet the requirement of industry-grade application. It specifically targets novel and more powerful modelling notations that, integrated with BPMN2 Choreography Diagrams, will be able to represent and assess the adaptation and evolution points of a choreography.
  • 2) Automated and dynamic choreography synthesis. CHOReVOLUTION develops the synthesis techniques that are needed in order to infer an enhanced collaboration logic that, in addition to pure coordination, enables run-time choreography evolution in response of possible adaptations, while managing the required level of security.
  • 3) Middleware for dynamic and secured choreographies. CHOReVOLUTION will develop a middleware infrastructure supporting end-to-end interoperable and adaptable choreography interactions among business services and Things.
  • 4) Secured choreographies. CHOReVOLUTION will support multiple services involved in a choreography that can belong to di fferent security domains governed by diff erent authorities and that use di fferent identity attributes in their access control polices.
  • 5) Validation through industrial use cases. Scientific development will be validated through two industry-grade use cases, Urban Traffic Coordination and Smart Mobility and Tourism, both in the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
  • 6) Development Support and Integration Platform. CHOReVOLUTION uses advanced software engineering technologies to support a collaborative development process. Code-level interoperability will be achieved by using the platform agnostic Java language as programming language for all the CHOReVOLUTION tools and middleware.
  • 7) CHOReVOLUTION community and market outreach*.  The objective here is to establish CHOReVOLUTION as an ambitious open source project, with its own market visibility and stakeholders, supported by a well-established open source community such as OW2.